Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility

NMRF provides biological, medical, and physical science researchers with access to state-of-the-art spectroscopy and imaging instrumentation. Instruments include:

¨ High-resolution spectrometers (two with cryoprobes), used for solution studies of biomolecules and chemical processes.

¨ Horizontal-bore magnet MRI, utilized for imaging of small animals and materials.

¨ Vertical wide-bore system, utilized for in-vitro spectroscopy of perfused organs and microimaging.

¨ Vertical wide-bore spectrometer with Magic Angle Spinning (MAS), used for solids spectroscopy.


All spectrometers are multinuclear and include a wide variety of both high-resolution probes, as well as surface and imaging coils.


In addition, the facility offers workstations for off-line data processing and molecular modeling.

NMRF offers state-of-the-art spectroscopy and imaging services, operating 10 spectrometers of varying purposes and capabilities:

  • Four instruments largely devoted to structural characterization of organic and inorganic molecules.
  • Three vertical-bore spectrometers used for solution studies of biomolecules and in vitro biological studies.
  • Two horizontal-bore magnet spectrometers utilized for in vivo spectroscopy and imaging of small animals, imaging of materials, and in vitro spectroscopy of perfused organs.
  • One spectrometer devoted to solid state NMR spectroscopy.


All spectrometers are multinuclear. A large variety of liquids, solids, surface, and imaging coils are also available.

Listed below are the NMRF spectrometers with field strengths, primary use, and campus location. Note that five spectrometers are housed in Building MS1-D, and one at Kemper Hall.






Primary Use


Avance 800

800 MHz


Liquids spectroscopy


Avance 600

600 MHz


Liquids spectroscopy


Avance 500 500 MHz 11.75

Solids spectroscopy

Kemper Hall 51

Avance 500

500 MHz


Liquids spectroscopy


Avance 400

400 MHz


In vitro spectroscopy


Biospec 7T

300 MHz


In vivo spectroscopy, imaging


Spectroscopy is available both as a center-performed service by skilled NMRF staff, as well as self service by trained users. (See Training (NMRF), if you are interested in the self-service option and have not yet received the necessary training.)

To schedule center-performed spectroscopy, or if you are a first-time self-service client and wish to place a reservation, Please Follow the below link.

The facility also offers computers for off-line data processing, analysis, and reduction.

For more information